Jun 14Liked by Annalisa Caminarecci

Similar to “it’s about the journey, not the destination”. We are always in the process of becoming who we are. My wife’s perennial question is “What’s to become of us?”

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Yes, I do prefer the feelings of being moving towards something than when I reached the destination. I presume that’s why we often say “on so what’s next now?”

What’s the answer she gives to that question?

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Jun 15Liked by Annalisa Caminarecci

The answer is living large as long as we're able. One day at a time, or week, or month or however much time we are given. I'm getting ready to celebrate not only the end of another year, but more importantly, the beginning of a new year, # 88. No guarantees, nothing taken for granted.

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I love that, sometimes we get trapped in the same daily struggles that we lose sight of what’s important.. which is the present moment and really enjoying life

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Jun 12Liked by Annalisa Caminarecci

I believe the bigger question, rather than what do you want to do, is who do you want to be? Doing and being are related, not the same. I do what and who I am and I am not defined, although may be recognized, for what I do. The best job or career is a reflection of what I care about most, what gives meaning and purpose to my life. Artists, musicians, actors, architects, writers, poets and gardeners seem to know this better than most. My work is not my job. A job is what I have to do to get to my work, paper stuff, groceries, the laundry, although creative cooking is a form of artistry of its own kind. I suppose you can sing and dance while you do the laundry, so there's that.

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that is so true Gary. What we do is such a small part of who we are.

What you said reminded me of Ikigai, which is what we should strive for, but very difficult to attain. But I like challenges 😊

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